

With so many passwords these days, no wonder we sometimes forget one or two of them.


With that in mind we will help you get a new password here in when you forget yours.


Here you can see our video on how to recover your password:

First click on the top right hand where it says "Sign In"

Now when you try to put your password it doesn't work it says "Login failed. Please try again.


Now clic on "Have you forgot your password?"


Once clicked you will be redirected to the Password Recovery Page.

Please enter your username and enter the code on the right hand side. If the code is too messy please press F5 on your keyboard or Refresh the page. Once this is done a new code will appear.

Once the code has been entered along with your username, a new temporary password will be emailed to you.


Here is an example of such email.

When you have your new password you can enter your account, using the same login ID just a new temporary password.

You should change this temporary password once you are in your account. 


Go over to "My Account" and click on "Personal Profile"


Once in your personal profile you will see that at the bottom you can create yourself a new password.

Once created click submit and you are done.


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